Legacy strategy

How to get a better grip on your legacy income

How do you shape your foundation’s legacy programme? Many foundations do so on the basis of a wealth scan for example, or by approaching donors who have already made a large donation or they just pin their hopes on spontaneous bequests.

These approaches however give you little control over how much this will generate for you. And you may even miss out on a great potential among your ‘regular’ donors.

But what if you were to focus your efforts? And get a better grip on your investments and their potential yield?

The Golden Age of Legacies

There are great opportunities for income from legacies. Theo Schuyt calls this the golden age of legacies. And René Bekkers, professor of philanthropy, expects that up to 2059 some 86 billion euros will go to charities through legacies. And that, according to him, is still a conservative estimate.

(Source: https://renebekkers.wordpress.com/2013/09/04/de-gouden-eeuw-van-de-filantropie-e86-miljard-tot-2059/ en https://www.fondsenwerving.nl/verdieping/artikel/2017/08/18/Gouden-eeuw-van-nalatenschappen)

Mindwize can help you make the most of this opportunity. We have developed a purpose-built Legacy Forecast Model which gives you insight into the effects of your efforts for the coming 25 years.

The model is tailor-made to fit your foundation and your situation

This makes it a unique model that gives you real guidance in determining your strategy. We combine the model’s predictions for your foundation with our proven knowledge of legacy strategies. This lets you plan and invest in a targeted manner. And it gives you more control over your leads.

Legacy whitepaper

The Mindwize Legacies Strategy helps you gain more insight into your legacy income, improve the results of your activities and structurally enrich, simplify and hone your legacy programme.

This enables you to create a well-thought-out (data-based) legacy programme that fits your objectives and budget and gives you more control over your legacy income.

Download the brochure

Want to know more about this legacy strategy?
Then please contact:

Bas van Breemen
T: +31 23 565 66 86

Legacy donation campaign for Amref Flying Doctors

Nalatenschapscampagne Amref Flying Doctors L1903AFN3166x2062

Together with Amref Flying Doctors, we developed the legacy donation campaign to this end, consisting of a number of steps and tools.

This campaign involved donors in the Amref Flying Doctors vision (both present and future), informed them about the necessity and importance of legacy donations and explained the various possibilities to include Amref Flying Doctors in their will.

Show me the campaign 

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