Online week-long fundraiser for Stichting ParkinsonFonds (Dutch Parkinsons foundation)

Make the rounds with an online donation box for World Parkinson’s Day (April 11th)

We set up an online fundraising campaign for Stichting ParkinsonFonds to take action online for World Parkinson’s Day.
We created the concept, copy and design for Stichting Parkinsonfonds. In partnership with Digicollect, we set up an online donation box and developed an email journey.

Online donation box

Anyone can set up an online donation box in a couple of minutes. The box is easy to share on WhatsApp or social media, and it won’t stop shaking until 70,000 euros has been raised for new research into Parkinson’s disease.
The weeklong online fundraiser started on 11 April 2021, on World Parkinson’s Day.

Click here for the online donation box for Stichting ParkinsonFonds Foundation.

Resources deployed

  • Email donor journey
  • Inserts for several offline publications
  • Facebook campaign
  • Online donation box via Digicollect


This is the first time that we have developed a digital collection campaign for the ParkinsonFonds Foundation. We therefore did not know exactly what results to expect. We have set the bar high with the target of € 70,000. Both Mindwize and the ParkinsonFonds Foundation are very satisfied with the collected donations.

About Stichting ParkinsonFonds and Mindwize

Since 1998 we have been working intensively with the ParkinsonFonds Foundation to grow their donor base through direct mail, telemarketing, door-to-door donor recruitment, online and Stopperadvertisements. And with success. In more than 20 years, the ParkinsonFonds Foundation has grown to more than 120,000 donors and has been able to invest more than € 23 million in scientific research into Parkinson’s disease.

Stichting Parkinsonfonds 

Logo Stichting ParkinsonFonds70,000 EUROS for new research into Parkinson’s Disease

The donation box only stops shaking when the goal has been reached.
Uncontrollable shaking is one of the characteristics of Parkinson’s Disease. In addition, symptoms like memory loss, depression, mask-like facial expression and shuffling gait – that worsen over time – also cause Parkinson’s patients to never be their usual selves again. There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease and it can affect anyone, at an increasingly younger age. There is a pressing need for more funding to find a cure.

Go to the landing page

This is how you effectively deploy lead generation Whitepaper lead generation

Learn from three real-life examples

Today, you watch a video on Facebook about animal suffering. Tomorrow, you’ll see an ad for an animal rights charity to sign a petition, download a brochure or take a quiz – something the organization can use to get your contact details. In this way, you have become a lead. The charity can contact you with a request, an offer or a service.

In this whitepaper, we will highlight a few real-life examples of online lead generation for you.

Download whitepaper

Questions about this campaign?

Please contact Berry Lommerse using this form.

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